
Welcome to this important step along your child's Faith Path. Worship is our response to the greatness of God. Many Christians limit the concept of worship to singing songs in a church building. We need to help our children understand that worship involves much more than attending a weekend church service. Worship is both an action and an attitude. Let's start by watching this video featuring Kathleen Chapman (author of Teaching Kids Authentic Worship). On the video you'll also hear from other families on this step of the Faith Path.  Additional downloadable resources can be found below in the Tips & Tools section.


tips & tools

  • Spend a few minutes around the table or in the car as a family taking turns saying something about who God is and what He has done. Try to avoid mentioning yourselves; focus completely on Him.
  • Make worshipping as a family a priority by talking about God and committing to regularly attend a church service where you praise Him and study His Word together.
  • Play songs of worship or make music together using instruments to create a fun time of family worship in song. Psalm 100:20 says, "Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs."
  • Declare specific days like "Worship Wednesdays" to make a point of worshipping together. This could be as simple as taking time on the way to or from school or before bed to each say one thing about God you observed during the day.
  • Ask your child questions about God's character or His creation. Help him or her focus on how amazing God is.
  • Frame the "God You Are" card (linked below) to start or end the day with a worship fill-in-the-blank.
  • appstorealtDownloadable/Purchasable Resources: 1) God You Are Card.  2) Seeds Family Worship Songs.  3) Teaching Kids Authentic Worship.

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