The talk

Welcome to this important step along your child's Faith Path. The best way to prepare your child for the changes and challenges of adolescence is to set the stage. Mom with daughter, dad with son or a single parent with either sex should spend time giving their preadolescent child a basic understanding of what's coming before the transition begins. Let's start by watching this video featuring authors Brian Haynes and Laura Gallier as they discuss how you should address these changes and challenges your child will face. You'll also hear from other families and how they handled this step on the Faith Path. 

Additional downloadable resources are available below in the Tips & Tools section.


tips & tools

  • You should plan to address the many areas of change your son or daughter will encounter during the transition to adulthood, especially bodily changes, decision-making and the changing relationship to you.
  • It's important to frame the physical changes ahead as much more than a plea for sexual abstinence. Your son or daughter needs a vision for how these internal and external changes will prepare the body for the joys of marriage and the miracle of creating new life.
  • Your child will need to make and assume responsibility for his or her own decisions. As you maintain your overall family values in media choices, individual responsibilities (chores, homework, etc.), drugs and alcohol, you also need to direct your son or daughter in how to make wise decisions in areas of health and integrity. The first nine chapters of Proverbs can help guide an early teen on choosing wisdom over foolishness.
  • Consider explaining to your preteen that over the next decade your role will progressively change from a teacher to that of a coach. You will begin to guide him or her in the transition toward independence. It is also a great time to intentionally foster relationships with other spiritually mature adults who can influence your child's life.
  • Axis Ministry is a valuable free resource to help parents navigate the changes and challenges of the preteen/teen years (linked below).
  • appstorealtDownloadable/Purchasable Resources: 1) FAQ's On Preparing for Adolescence.  2) The Talks Podcast.  3) Axis Ministry.  4) Five Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter.  5) Five Conversations You Must Have With Your Son.  6) Talking To Your Kids  About Sex (So Google Doesn't Have To).

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