
Welcome to this important step along your child's Faith Path. Webster's Dictionary defines "pure" as: "free from everything that might make dirty, change, or lower the quality; free from sin or guilt." Purity is much more than refraining from premarital sex or following a list of don'ts.  It's a positive, passionate existence that frees us to experience all God made us to enjoy. So, how do we help our children reject our fallen cultural norm and live a life filled with the joys that only purity can bring? Let's start answering that question by watching this video featuring Laura Gallier and hear from several families describing how conversations about sex and purity are very impactful even when a bit awkward. Additional downloadable resources

can be found below in the Tips & Tools section.


tips & tools

  • Clarify the Standard: Psalm 119:9 says, "How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word." When it comes to purity, our children need to understand their bodies belong to God first and to our spouse (if we get married) second.
  • Focus on Purity, Not Just Sex: Purity is much more than saying no to premarital sex. God desires for us to have much more than "technical virginity" before marriage. He has a great plan for our hearts, minds and actions. Teach your teen that purity involves every area of life.
  • Give a Positive Vision: Nothing gives a child a positive view of God's design for sexual intimacy and marriage more than parents who cherish one another and speak positively about the joys of marriage.
  • Write letters to your teen. Share your heart and scripture instead of mere rules. Give them a vision of God's plan for their lives. Plan a time to talk about the letter after they have read it such as a special breakfast or coffee date. Take time to listen to what they say and try to steer clear of lecturing.
  • Have your teen write out what they want in a future spouse. As they get closer to dating, have them pull that list out and talk through the potential individuals they are interested in dating to see if they fulfill that list. Ask the following questions: "What would your future spouse want from you in purity?", "What do you want from your future spouse in their purity?"
  • appstorealtDownloadable/Purchasable Resources: 1) Purity Guide.  2) Purity Checklist.  3) My Purity Card.  4) Axis Ministry.   5) Passport2Identity Young Men.  6) Passport2Identity Young Women.

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