family time

Welcome to this important step along your child's Faith Path. When your child reaches about four years old, it's a great time to establish a pattern of including fun family times in your schedule to foster communication, laughter and faith formation. Regularly scheduled family time activities are a great way to make that happen. For some families this might be a particular night of the week after dinner. For another family it might be after Saturday morning breakfast. Decide what works for your unique schedule and then protect that time. We suggest scheduling a family time experience weekly, that way in reality, you'll probably do it twice a month. Let's start by watching this video to receive some guidance, hear from other families who have made this a habit, and get some resources to help you get started. Additional downloadable resources can be found below in the Tips & Tools section.


tips & tools

  • Pick a family verse that you want to memorize and say together. Make up or use some fun games to learn the verse.
  • Share with your child something that God has been or is teaching you. Cook a meal together and use the time for sharing and talking.
  • Take time to ask each member of the family to share his or her "high" and "low" of the day.
  • Go on a family walk and spend the time praying for each other, the neighbors or others. Capture family prayer requests using a prayer chart or on a refrigerator white board.
  • Create impromptu "God-moments" by taking advantage of unplanned and unscheduled opportunities to discuss your faith in the daily routine of life.
  • Use the Family Time theme song to kick family time off with some silly dancing and singing.
  • appstorealtDownloadable/Purchasable Resources: 1) Family Time Guide.  2) Impressions Point Activity.  3) Just Like Air Activity.  4) Family Time Theme Song.  5) Family Night Tool Chest Series.

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